Despite positive talk in the media about the UK’s return to growth, there seems to be a continuing view that finding a new job after redundancy will involve a painful and extended career search. As in this link the message persists that employment opportunities are limited, especially for the young. Do Chiumento outplacement statistics back up this gloomy view?
This week there is news from the National Careers Service of increasing confidence, although whilst confidence is better – the majority of those looking for work are still uncertain.
Recent news about the BAE closures no doubt means that there are a lot of worried employees, who are genuinely fearful for the future. So should they be so afraid?
Every quarter we review our outplacement statistics and how quickly Chiumento delegates are resettled and spotted evidence – not just a blip but a trend – that supports a more positive outlook.
This quarter our outplacement statistics show that 81% of those working with Chiumento found a new job within six months. Last quarter it was 71%, the quarter prior 67% showing an improving trend in the total number getting back into work pretty quickly (about 50% of them within just 3 months in each of these quarters).
At the same time, two other trends are worthy of note:
- More are taking a ‘career break’. It is clear that more people are taking time out to realise their lifetime’s dream.
- More are moving into a form of self employment. 24% took this option in our last quarter compared with 9% in the previous quarter.
The people we work with are not at any particular level, not in any particular type of job. They come from all levels, some unqualified, others well qualified. All, however, are not taking long to successfully resettle into something new and get on with their lives.
So my message to BAE employees is, whilst it is a difficult time, don’t lose heart, but think carefully about all your options (I promise there are far more than are immediately obvious) and keep an open mind. Take heart from increasing confidence reported this week – our statistics show it is justified.
If time and money allows, you may even be in a position to combine starting work on finding a next position with turning your lifetime’s dream a reality. Something those still in the daily 9-5 routine will continue only to dream of!
So let’s not talk ourselves out of finding a job and give up at the starting blocks. Instead keep a positive mindset and believe the next job is indeed out there – all you have to do is (a) know what you’re looking for (b) find it (c) believe you can do it and (d) most important of all – really want it.
Sarah Chiumento