In today’s fast-paced world, careers are anything but linear. My own journey from hospitality to a Marketing Executive, with stops in design along the way, is a testament to the unpredictable nature of professional growth.

But what happens when the unexpected strikes, and employees find themselves facing redundancy?

This is where the hidden value of outplacement services come into play. Outplacement isn’t just a safety net- it’s a launchpad for new opportunities and empowerment in an otherwise stressful situation.


Breaking the Mold: Embracing Non-Linear Career Paths


Gone are the days when a career was a straight line from entry-level to retirement. Today, it’s a winding road filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. My career path is a perfect example: starting in hospitality, pursuing a degree in design, transitioning to marketing, and eventually becoming an executive. Each role added a unique layer to my skill set, proving that diverse experiences can lead to remarkable growth.


The Hidden Power of Outplacement Services


Outplacement services are not just about finding a new job; they’re about empowering individuals to navigate their career transitions with confidence. For HR professionals, investing in outplacement services means showing your employees that you value their future, even when they must leave your organisation. This commitment can significantly enhance your employer brand, reduce legal risks, and maintain morale among remaining staff.

But don’t just take our word for it- here’s a testimonial from one of our recent outplacement delegates…

“This opportunity that was supported by my company after I took voluntary redundancy was invaluable. The sessions with my coach were fantastic, with my coach listening to my areas of interest and importantly allowing me to reflect/take time and realise what options were available to me. I knew I had options, but I’ve always found it hard to navigate and to say no/not take on too much! I was aiming to make some decisions about things I wouldn’t continue doing by Christmas, but through this process I have been bold enough to do them already, which for me is unprecedented as I’ve always found making these decisions almost impossible! So thank you once again to my coach, Chiumento24 and my company for their support.”


Addressing HR Challenges



The “If You Can Fix X, You Can Learn to Fix Y” Philosophy


One of the most powerful aspects of outplacement services is their ability to highlight transferable skills. Just like the British Army ad that says, “If you can fix a car, you can learn to build a helicopter,” outplacement services show employees how their existing skills can open doors to new opportunities. This approach not only boosts confidence but also encourages a growth mindset. At Chiumento, we are big believers in this. A lot of people don’t realise the ‘toolbox’ they have until a third party is able to highlight it—something our coaches are incredibly good at—a driving factor behind our fast job placement track record.


A Call to Action


In a world where career paths are increasingly unpredictable, outplacement services offer a beacon of stability and a pathway to new opportunities. For HR professionals, investing in these services is not just a strategic move; it’s a testament to your commitment to your employees’ futures.

Contact Chiumento today to schedule a conversation and discover how our outplacement services can empower your people and enhance your organisation’s resilience.