What if corona had happened in the 1980s?

When logging into Google Classroom this morning, downloading my children’s schoolwork and watching them chat with their teacher and classmates, it made me think. While this is certainly challenging now, how different would it have been if COVID-19 had struck whilst I...

Why 2020 wasn’t all bad

Continuing our series of articles highlighting the positives we’ve taken from the past year our Career Concierge, Gemma Smith, shares hers. 2020 was a life-changing year for Gemma, but not for the same reason as most of us.  In late March, while we were all adjusting...

IiP Gold: we’ve done it again

I recently came back from leave to a whole raft of good news. However, the thing that really made my day was finding out we’d secured the Investors in People (IiP) Gold standard for the third time in a row. I am often asked why we take IiP so seriously. My answer is...