Why 2020 wasn’t all bad

by | Jan 13, 2021 | career coaching | 0 comments

Continuing our series of articles highlighting the positives we’ve taken from the past year our Career Concierge, Gemma Smith, shares hers. 2020 was a life-changing year for Gemma, but not for the same reason as most of us.  In late March, while we were all adjusting to lockdown, not leaving the house, hunting for toilet roll and queuing for groceries, she was giving birth to her beautiful baby boy, Wren.

She’s written a lovely poem about her 2020 baby and allowed us to share it.

It just shows that in the middle of a crisis, real life carries on regardless and if anything can bring a smile to people’s faces it’s a baby.  Just look a the effect Wren’s appearance had at one of our team meetings last year, all those smiles.


As the winter months draw near
All around me I see and I hear
People wishing away the year that’s gone wrong
People praying and hoping the rest won’t last long

The year of covid, of illness and panic
The year of loo rolls and stockpiling manics
The year of distancing, lockdowns and hand-gels
The year of PPE and mask dodging rebels

They can’t wait for it to end, good riddance they say
To the year 2020, they wish it away
I can’t deny, it’s been a strange time
Not what we planned or had in mind

But I can’t wish away a minute or hour
This year for us hasn’t been sour
This is the year we welcomed you
This is the year our dream came true

The world around us was a constant worry
But our first months together we didn’t hurry
We soaked you in we held you near
We marvelled and laughed and shed an odd tear

For you we have waited a lifetime it seems
To have you and love you as one of the team
So I won’t sit and wish away time
I’ll snuggle and cuddle and know that you’re mine

My beautiful baby born in the year 2020
I wish you love and happiness aplenty
You grow so much every day you’re really a dream
With your giggles and squeals and eyes that gleam

So I won’t wish away our first year as three
I’ll just know this is how it was meant to be
I’ll be thankful and grateful for every single day
I’ll remember it all in my own special way

To my 2020 baby, this is your year
I refuse to remember the sadness and fear
I refuse to focus on all of the bad
So I’ll focus on you and I’ll always be glad

You may have been born in the year that went wrong
But we’ll only remember you were born, healthy, happy and strong!